Yang Qinran
Research Interests: Urban redevelopment, gentrification, urban housing and community planning
1. Selected Research Projects
2019-2021 Principal Investigator. The influence of spatial patterns of resettlement neighbourhoods on the social networks of relocated residents. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (E080201).
2020-2022 Principal Investigator. Urban development strategies and gentrification in Chengdu based on the background of the openness of inland cities (20SH027), Annual project of philosophy and social sciences of Sichuan Province.
2019-2022 Co-investigator (rank: 6 among 10 participants). The theory of resilient spatial structure and planning method of the rural settlement. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (51878558).
2020-2023 Co-investigator (rank: 4 among 14 participants). Natural disaster risk assessment and emergency disposal of immovable cultural relics (2019YFC1520800). Natural Science and Technology Support Plan Project.
2015-2016 Principal Investigator. The politics of state-facilitated gentrification in post-socialist China. MITACS Globalink Research Award (IT06334).
2. Selected Publications
Yang, Q. R., & Yuan, Y., The dynamic of marginalization of the low and lower-middle classes in urban housing system and suggestions on spatial planning: A Case Study of Chengdu , China City Planning Review(in press)
Yang, Q. R., & Ley, D. (2019). Residential relocation and the remaking of socialist workers through state-facilitated urban redevelopment in Chengdu, China. Urban Studies, 56:12, pages 2480-2498.
Yang, Q. R., & M, Zhou. (2018). Interpreting gentrification in Chengdu in the post-socialist transition of china: a sociocultural perspective. Geoforum, 93, 120-132.
Ley, D., & Yang, Q. R., (Spring 2017). Review essay of Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement, by L. Lees, H. B. Shin & E. López-Morales, and Planetary Gentrification, edited by L. Lees, H. B. Shin & E. López-Morales. AAG Review of Books, 5 (2), 112-115.
Yang, Q. R. (2016). State-led gentrification?: Inner-city redevelopment and social change in the post-reform cities of China, In Y. Ning (Ed.). China Urban Studies: Vol. 9 (pp.197-220). Beijing: China Science Publishing.
Yang, Q. R. (2015, Jun). Getting on the ladder? Inner-city redevelopment, homeownership for the urban poor and anomie in the resettlement community. Paper presented at the 3rd Conference of China Urban Development, Shanghai.
Li, H. P., & Yang, Q. R. (2012). Gradual renewal towards social integration of the low-income neighbourhood in China: Study on “magnetic community.” Urban Planning International, 27 (2), 88-94. (In Chinese)
2012 The Second Prize of the Postgraduate Scientific Research and Innovation Competition in Chongqing. “The evolution of historical built environment and regional culture of Lhasa in China.” Chongqing Education Committee. (rank: 3 among 6 participants)
2011 The Second Prize of Urban Planning and Design in Chongqing, 2011. “The Construction plan of livable Putian.” Chongqing Association of City Planning. (rank: 4 among 15 participants)
2019 The third price of the Ninth Young Teachers Teaching Competition of Southwest Jiaotong University
Urban Geography
Urban Housing Design
Urban neighborhood planning and design
English Literature on Urban Planning: Current Issues in Planning
Contact: qinran.yang@swjtu.edu.cn