Yu Jianhan
Associate Professor
Research Interest: Urban microclimate
Study on the influence of morphology characteristics of upstream fetch on urban pedestrian level wind environment. (52308533) National Natural Science Foundation of China.
1. Yu, J., Stathopoulos, T., & Li, M. (2021). Estimating Exposure Roughness Based on Google Earth. Journal of Structural Engineering
2. Yu, J., Li, M., Stathopoulos, T., Zhou, Q., & Yu, X. (2021). Urban Exposure Upstream Fetch and Its Influence on the Formulation of Wind Load Provisions. Building and Environment, 203, 108072.
3. Yu, J., Stathopoulos, T., & Li, M. (2023). Exposure Factors and Their Specifications in Current Wind Codes and Standards. Journal of Building Engineering, 107207.
4. Yu, J., Tang, J., Li, M., Yang, G., & Shen, Z. (2024). Experimental Study of the Impact of Upstream Mountain Terrain and Urban Exposure on Approaching Wind Characteristics. Building and Environment, 248, 111071.
5. Yu, J., Li, M., & Stathopoulos, T. (2019). Strategies for Modeling Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence and Investigation of Spatially correlated Aerodynamic Forces on a Stationary Model. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 90, 43-56.
6. Yu, J., Jia, T., Li, M. (2024). Impact of Urban Construction on Pedestrian Level Wind Environment in Complex Building Group. Indoor and Built Environment. (accepted)
7. Yu, J., Alrawashdeh, H., Li M. (2024). Aerodynamic Analysis of Building with Zigzag-Patterned Façade: Insights from Large Eddy Simulation. Physics of Fluids. (accepted)
Building Mechanics
Contact: Jianhan_yu@hotmail.com