Southwest Jiaotong University-Chongqing University joint graduation project defense held, President Yang Dan present
On May 31, 2021, the joint graduation project defense of Southwest Jiaotong University-Chongqing University in 2021 was held in Lecture Hall A100 of Teaching Building No. 8, Xipu Campus of Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU).

Attending the defense were Yang Dan, President of Southwest Jiaotong University, Cui Kai, Director of Dean’s Office, Liu Zhaohui, Deputy Director of Dean’s Office, Wu Xiaoxiong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Architecture and Design (SA&D), Shen Zhongwei, Dean of SA&D, Yang Qingjuan, Vice Dean of S&AD, experts and officials from Chengdu Institute of Planning and Design, Jianyang Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, and supervisors of the joint graduation project team. The defense was presided over by Prof. Zeng Wei from the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Chongqing University (CQU), Wang Zheng, Dean of the Department of Urban Planning of CQU and Prof. Bi Linglan of SA&D.
President Yang Dan of SWJTU delivered a speech, saying that SWJTU always strives to meet the needs of the country and society. He hoped that with the planning guideline of “Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle” and the rural revitalization strategy, SWJTU and CQU could fully leverage their professional expertise, strengthening cooperation and learning from each other for common progress. He said that as an embodiment of the knowledge and ability learned in the past five years, and an essential component to students' growth, the graduation project should be attached great importance. He also hoped that the two universities would encourage more students in different majors to participate in the joint defense, apply knowledge in a flexible way and achieve overall development of individuals.
Four groups of graduates from SWJTU and CQU participated in the defense, introducing their projects in terms of project background, task requirements, completion and integrated appliance of knowledge of different subjects, after which the projects were evaluates by judges.
During the evaluation session, Prof. Zeng Wei from the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of CQU said that the joint defense provides a good opportunity to strengthen the cooperation between two universities. It’s an innovative move in teaching and practice, which enhances the coordination of enterprises , universities and research institutes.
Shen Zhongwei, Dean of the SA&D, pointed out that as important teaching practice, graduation project is also a showcase of graduates' achievements. It is hoped that in the future, two universities will play a leading role in education and research, integrate discipline development with local economic and social development in such an form, and contribute to the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle and rural revitalization strategy.
President Yang Dan, accompanied by officials from universities and schools, viewed the exhibition of graduation design works as marking the end for the joint defense.